Swan Maidens
Premiere: 21st March 2015, Ballett des Theater Koblenz, Germany
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Sibelius, Lutoslawski, Hallgrimson, arranged by Philip Feeney
Set: Jann Messerli
Costumes: Ines Alda
Cast: 14
Length: 70mins approx
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7YAlzzlfj8
Premiere: 13th August 2015, Copenhagen Summer Ballet, Denmark
Choreography/Direction: Cathy Marston
Music: Jesper Mechlenberg
Set/Costumes: Helle Darmsgard
Light: Raphael Solholm
Scenario: Cathy Marston/Leila Vestgaard
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7z5xRqma5k
Three Sisters
Premiere: Ballett im Revier, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. 25th May 2014
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Rachmaninov, Paert, Ustvolskaya
Set: Dirk Becker
Costumes: Ines Alda
Cast: 12-14 dancers
Length: 75 mins
Premiere: Ballett im Revier, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. 24th June 2013
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Igor Stravinsky
Design: Ines Alda
Scenario: Cathy Marston
Cast: 8 (originally featuring Bridget Breiner and Sergio Torrado)
Length: 30mins
“Der Choreographin Cathy Marston und dem außerordentlichen Tanzpaar Bridget Breiner und Sergio Torrado Szenen von ergreifender Zartheit und Trauer; da sind Szenen von einer tänzerischen Qualität, von einer imaginären Erfindungskraft entstanden, die einem nicht aus dem Kopf gehen.”
“Cathy Marston and the extraordinary partnership, Bridget Breiner and Sergio Torrado, succeed in creating poignant scenes of tenderness and grief; moments of quality dance, invention with a force of imagination , that did not leave one’s mind.”
Ruhrnachrichten – 24.6.13
Hexenhatz / Witch-hunt
Premiere: Bern Ballett, 23rd April 2013
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Baroque collage including Vivaldi, Tartini, Albinoni and others.
Text: Edward Kemp
Set: Jann Messerli
Costumes: Catherine Voeffray
Scenario: Cathy Marston and Edward Kemp
Cast: 14 dancers and 1 actress
Length: 75mins (no interval)
“…the sustained inventiveness of the project as a whole, and the overwhelming sensual power of the final revelatory pas de deux are truly exhilarating.”
Luke Jennings, The Observer, 26.05.13
Premiere: Bern Ballett, 24th January 2013
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Louis Andriesson (Overture to Orpheus)
Set: Elisa Alessi
Costumes: Myriam Casanova
Cast: a male and female dancer (originally Georgia Usboure and Franklyn Lee)
Length: 15mins
Elephant Man
Premiere: 10th August 2013
Music: Specially commissioned by Louise Alenius
Design: Helle Damgaard
Scenario: Cathy Marston and Leila Vestergaard
Cast: 6 dancers including Alexander Koelpin and Nikolaj Hubbe in the lead roles.
Length: 50mins
Inspired by David Lynch’s film of the same name.
Walking Shadow

Premiere: 26th October 2013
Music: Gorecki
Cast: 6 dancers
Length: 30mins
Inspired by scenes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth
‘Marston’s Walking Shadow, a powerful take on the final hours of Lady Macbeth and her husband, is ripe with emotion.’
The Scotsman
Hunting Me
World Premiere (40mins)
Evening: Lions Tigers and Women (a double bill)
Performed by: the Bern Ballett and Pamela Mendez Band
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Pamela Mendez, Elliah Reichen, Simon Jaeggi
Set: Stefanie Liniger
Costumes: Dorothee Brodrueck
Light: Laurent Junod
“When a specific life is used as the inspiration for choreography and text based songs for the score, movement runs the risk of perpetuating a linear narrative that exists outside corporeal realms. No such thing happens with Cathy Marston’s fantastic and most recent work, Hunting Me…at first it seems like a risky proposition to place a rock band centre with the ensemble of fourteen to the sides, but it pays off with strange and compelling results. Eye and ear are attuned to the band, but by creating an atmosphere of physical exploration the choreography engages a sixth sense. Because of the strong collaborative force between dancers and musicians, an unconventional atmosphere builds – otherworldly but oddly accessible.”
Ballet Now magazine
Persisting Memory
World Premiere (25mins)
Performed by: the Hong Academy of Performing Arts
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Henryk Gorecki
Length: 25mins approx
World Premiere
Evening: Carte Blanche (a quadruple bill)
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: J. S. Bach, Gabriel Prokofjev, Paul Giger/Marie-Louise Dähler, Mani Matter
Set: Raphael Barbier
Costumes: Dorothee Brodreuck
Flight of Gravity
World Premiere (Ballet of 70 mins in one act)
Performed with Camerata Bern
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Martinu, Silvestrov, Tartini, Penderecki
Set: Jann Messerli
Costumes: Catherine Voeffray
Scenario: Cathy Marston with William Oldroyd
To view a video of the complete work please contact Cathy Marston to request a private link.
Ein Winternachtstraum
World Premiere
Choreography: Cathy Marston
Music: Gabriel Prokofiev (including 20mins of specially commissioned music and his Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra) and Felix Mendelssoln.
Set: Naomi Wilkinson
Costumes: Catherine Voeffray
Scenario: Cathy Marston and Edward Kemp
To view a video of the complete work please contact Cathy Marston to request a private link.